How Do I Find The Full Text Of An Article?

There are several ways to locate the full text of an article. If you need help beginning your search or how to search for a specific topic, please visit the Evidence-Based Practice guide.

Go to the "How to Find the Full Text of an Article" web tutorial

1) Search for full text journal articles within a database.

Nearly all health sciences databases contain a “Find It! @OSU” button. Clicking on this button will route you directly to where the full text PDF is located if we have access to it.

  • To ensure the Find It! @OSU icon appears, one should access any databases from our web site. 
  • Begin a database search by typing in a known journal article title, DOI, or PMID. Look through the search results for an article title that matches the search.
  • Once the matching journal article is identified, select the title to get to the abstract page where the Find It! @OSU icon is located.
  • Click on the icon to get directed to the full text PDF of the journal article. 
  • More about using Find It! links in databases is available in this web tutorial, or download the printable PDF reference sheet at the bottom of this page.

Screenshot of Find It button that leads to full text links on PubMed


2) Search for a journal article in full text with Citation Finder.

This method allows you to use components of your citation such as Journal Title, DOI or PMID to find the article you are looking for. Again, simply type that information into its corresponding search box. If access to the full text is available, once you click the Find It! @OSU icon, you will be directed to where the full text article is located.

3) Search Google Scholar for available full text journal article titles.

This method of searching for an available full text of a journal article is similar to performing a regular Google search. Simply type in any known information from your journal citation and select the result that best matches your citation information. For help including library links in your Google Scholar results, please see these instructions.

4) Request a copy of an article from another library.

Interlibrary Services provides assistance with interlibrary loans and document delivery of journal articles, books, book chapters and more that are not in our library catalog. Please complete an interlibrary loan request to obtain a full text PDF of an article that is not in our collections.

Screenshot of Find It button to request via Interlibrary Loans


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