Borrow and Request Items

Materials may be renewed or held by logging in to My Library Account. Loan periods vary based on the type of materials:

Faculty, staff, and graduate students: 17 week check-out period
Undergraduate students: 6 week check-out period

Two-hour checkout period (includes reserve books, models, and bones)


Journals at the Book Depository can be requested through the Library Catalog for pickup at campus library locations or delivery to campus offices.

Faculty, staff, and graduate students: 17 week check-out period
Undergraduate students: 6 week check-out period

For additional information on loan periods including materials borrowed from other OSU and OhioLINK libraries see Loan Periods.


Authorization Request Form

Complete and submit the Authorization Request Form to authorize another person to use your library account.

  • The Authorization Request Form allows a person to permit another individual to utilize The Ohio State University Libraries services in his/her/their name.
  • An HSL librarian will notify the authorizing person via email that the authorization is in effect.
  • The person listed on the authorization form will have permission to check out materials at any Ohio State University library. He/she/they will also be able to pick up interlibrary loan items requested by the authorizing person through the Health Sciences Library Document Delivery.
  • It is recommended that no more than one person is authorized at a time and that he/she/they are authorized on a semester-by-semester basis.
  • The authorizing person is responsible for all materials borrowed on his/her/their patron record.
  • You may want to encourage the authorized person to obtain a receipt when returning books.


Fines will be charged for items that are not returned when needed by another borrower, i.e. items that have been recalled or any item(s) on Course Reserve, or materials that are not renewed and long overdue (varies due to loan periods).

  • Overdue Reserve items (books, models, etc.) accrue fines at the rate of $5 each hour/day (maximum $100), per item.
  • Long overdue items are considered lost and will be billed at replacement fees. A block will be placed on your record and a fine added. The fines for regular circulating items are as follows:
    • $140 billed per book
    • $170 billed per journal, A/V

Please see Fines and Fees for more information, including a complete list of fines.

  • All Health Sciences Library fines must be paid to accounts receivable in Workday. Additional information about how to pay fines is available here.

Other Circulation Information

Please note that pick-up notices for library materials are sent via email only.

Materials that are not available at OSU Libraries may be requested from OhioLINK and/or SearchOhio. If there are no available copies of the book you need, you can place a request via Interlibrary Services.

Courtesy Cards

A courtesy card extends library borrowing privileges to individuals not affiliated with OSU. Courtesy cards are issued at the Circulation Desks of the Health Sciences Library, Thompson Library, and Moritz Law Library A courtesy card allows one to borrow any regularly circulated items, up to five items from OhioLINK, but not access to all library services.

Healthcare professionals from Franklin, Delaware, Licking, Union, Fairfield, Pickaway, and Madison counties may be eligible for courtesy borrowing privileges. You must present a valid work ID or board certification and a picture ID, e.g., a driver's license. For additional eligibility information and restrictions please see Courtesy Card Information


The word BORROW in letter blocks