Print Resources

Book and Journal Information

Print books and journals are housed in the University Libraries Book Depository and the Health Sciences Library's remote storage location in Prior Hall.  These items are available for request through the Library Catalog for delivery to any campus library or office location. Items from these locations will be ready for pickup at the Health Sciences Library 1-2 business days after request and may take longer for delivery to other campus libraries or offices.

Journal articles and book chapters can also be scanned and delivered electronically by request through Interlibrary Services.

Follow these steps to request an item for pickup or delivery:

1. Search the Library Catalog to find the item you need.

2. Click the "Request this item" button from the right hand side of your results list or near the top of the screen when viewing an individual item.

                  Results list view:

Library Catalog results list screenshot

                  Individual item view: 

Library Catalog item screenshot

3. Enter your name and ID number and select a pickup location from the list of OSU library locations or your Columbus campus office or dorm.  Use the "Submit" button to finalize your request.

Library catalog item request screenshot