Research and Innovation

An HSL employee looks over a poster coming out of the printer

The HSL, through interdisciplinary collaboration within a culture that values innovation and creativity, will lead efforts to support excellence in practice, research services, data collection and dissemination, and will serve as an advanced education technology partner to the health sciences colleges.

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Medical Visuals Prints Record Number of Posters

In 2024, HSL Medical Visuals printed 1,773 posters (631 cloth and 1,142 paper), exceeding the highest number of posters printed in a year even pre-Covid.

Medical Visuals also completed 73 medical illustration projects for clients across Ohio State and the Wexner Medical Center.

Medical Visuals Illustrations Enhance New IHSC

Medical Visuals partnered with the Wexner Medical Center Marketing and Communications design team to produce large-scale permanent graphics for the new Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Center (IHSC). The hallway installations consist of a series of framed images on the lower level and floors one through three. Each floor has a different set of images and each set is grouped according to an anatomical body system or theme, such as the cardiovascular system, or nervous system/brain.

Learn more about the IHSC medical illustration art installation

Librarian Research Consultations

In 2024, HSL librarians conducted 784 reference transactions, with 146 of those transactions conducted with our Library for Health Information (LHI) librarian.

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