Rosa Lee Weinert (Class of 2008)

Rosa Lee Weinert, Executive Director of the Ohio Board of Nursing from 1981-1996, led major initiatives impacting professional nursing in Ohio. Under her leadership, the Nurse Practice Act was revised, the State Board Examination transitioned to be a Computerized Adaptive Test, and the computerized testing for the NCLEX, which is taken today for state licensure, was developed. She served on the Board of Directors and as President of the National Council of State Boards of Nursing, which she was instrumental in founding.
Weinert was born in Dayton, Ohio, and graduated from Good Samaritan Hospital School of Nursing in 1949, where she worked for 16 years in surgery and orthopaedics. Moving to Columbus, she served for seven years (1964-1971) as Assistant Executive Director of the Ohio Nurses Association (ONA). She received her BS in nursing and MS in nursing at The Ohio State University. Then, for five years she was Vice President of nursing at St. Lawrence Hospital in Lansing, Michigan, where she oversaw the construction of a new hospital.
Upon retirement, Weinert became active in her professional nursing organizations and has been recognized as an outstanding volunteer for ONA and Mid-Ohio District Nurses Association. She has served as Treasurer of ONA and as Chairman of the Board of the ONA Health Pro Network. She also served as Chair, ONA Retired Nurses Assembly and is currently serving on the Board of Directors of District Ten, ONA.
Throughout her entire nursing career, Weinert has moved the practice of registered nurses forward. She has been a role model to many and continues to influence nursing practice through her ongoing participation in her professional organizations.
Weinert was honored as a Legend in 2008.