Keeping Up with the Literature
NLM Databases/My NCBI
For a step-by-step tutorial with screenshots, please view our "Keeping up with the Literature" tutorial.

- From the HSL website, select "PubMed" from the "Top Resources" section of the homepage.
- Click on "Log In" on the top right hand side of the screen.
- If you have never created an account before, you will want to go through the process of creating an account.
- Once logged in, you will go back into PubMed to run your desired search.
- Click on "Create Alert," found under the search box.
- Complete the form.
- To see your saved searches, click on your "My NCBI" username at the top right of the page; then select "Dashboard."
- To delete a search, click on "Manage Saved Searches" at the bottom of the "Saved Searches" box. Then, select the box next to the saved search and click on the "Delete Selected Item(s)" button.
- For help, click on "Help" or select a tutorial to view.
Ebsco Databases

- From the HSL website, select “Health Sciences Databases.”
- Select "Ebsco" and then the preferred database(s).
- Formulate the search strategy.
- Select "Search History."
- Click the phrase "Save Searches/Alerts."
- You will be prompted to log into/create a free Ebsco account.
- After logging in/creating an account a short form will open.
- Click on "Alert" next to the "Save Search As" section.
- Click on "Email all alerts and notices" where settings are available to select.
- After entering all of your preferences into the form, click "Save" at the bottom of the page.
ISI Web of Knowledge
- From the HSL website, look at the “Top Resources” on the right side of the page and find "Web of Science."
- Click and the page automatically opens the Web of Science database, but you may “select a database” if another database is desired.
- Enter your search.
- After finishing, go to "Create alert" and save the search strategy.
- A pop-up will appear that will ask you to name your alert.
- Once named, you can click on the "Create" button.
- Once created, you will see a new pop-up that states your alert was successful.
- If you would like to change the frequency of your alerts for your search, or to delete your search altogether, you can do so by clicking on "Alerts" at the top of the screen. You can then manage all of your Web of Science alerts from here.
- From the HSL website, look at the "Top Resources" on the right side of the page and find "Embase."
- Run your search in Embase.
- Select the box next to the desired search in "History" and then click on "Save."
- You will then be asked to name your search; this step is optional.
- Now you will be on a page with all of your Embase Saved Searches.
- Select the search you would like to create an email alert for, and then click on "Set Email Alert."
- A pop-up form will then appear and you can enter in all of your preferences for this alert.
- To delete an alert, simply select the search from the saved searches page and click "Delete. This will delete the search as well as the search alert.