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Research & Education
Q: I need help creating a search strategy, conducting a literature review, or completing an EBP project. Where do I start?
A: There are several starting points depending on your needs. One option is to watch this 11 minute video . Researchers can construct a search strategy using the PICO Search Table as an aid. Lastly, one can select appropriate databases based on your topic. Top choices for the health sciences:
Q: Does the library provide access to Citation Management software, and is there help available for using it ?
Q: I am working on a team that is writing a systematic review for a publication. Is a librarian available to assist us?
A: The HSL has an extensive guide on systematic reviews . Please refer to our Policy and if needed, request assistance through our intake form integrated into the aforementioned guide.
Q: I'm having trouble navigating the systems to find the full text of an article I need.
A: Please refer to the instructions linked on this Help page. While interfaces shown have changed, the overall information still works. If we do not have immediate access to an article, use Interlibrary Services to obtain a PDF. It’s FREE and FAST. When all else fails, call the Public Services desk at (614) 292-4861.
Q: I need to gather citation counts and H-index information for my promotion dossier. Can you help me get started?
A: Refer to the Measuring Scholarly Impact Subject Guide , which includes instructions for gathering this information from Web of Science and Scopus.