Mary Ellen Wewers (Class of 2013)

Mary Ellen Wewers came to The Ohio State University College of Nursing in 1986 as an Assistant Professor. She served as Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor until 2007. From 2001-2005, she served as Director of the Nursing PhD Program. She also dually served from 1992-1999 as an Associate Professor in the OSU College of Public Health (CPH). From 2005 to 2009, she served as an Associate Dean for Research at the CPH and helped nurses and others attain master's and PhD degrees in public health. She also served as acting Dean of the CPH in 2007. She is presently Professor and Director of Faculty Development for the CPH.
Wewers was a Fellow for the National Cancer Institute, Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences, as well as a panelist for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services U.S. Public Health Service and its Agency on Healthcare Policy and Research. She has served as Co-Program Director for The OSU Comprehensive Cancer Center since 2002. Mayor Michael B. Coleman appointed Wewers to a five-year term on the City of Columbus’ Board of Public Health in 2007, and she serves currently as Chair.
Wewers is an expert on tobacco-related diseases and smoking cessation and has many national presentations and publications. She is a member of the American Thoracic Society, the Ohio Nurses Association and the American Nurses Association.
Wewers earned a BSN from Saint Louis University in 1972; a MSN from the University of Arkansas in 1980; a PhD in nursing from the University of Maryland at Baltimore in 1986; and a MPH from Harvard University in 1999.
Wewers was honored as a Legend in 2013.