Workshop: Writing Biomedical Manuscripts: Part 1 (Virtual)

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Writing Biomedical Manuscripts Part 1

Wednesday, March 9
12 p.m. – 1 p.m. EST
Online Workshop led by Susan Marriott, Ph.D.

Join Susan Marriott, Ph.D., for a walkthrough of the organization of journal articles and tips for writing each of these sections.

Summary of Part 1:

Great scientific communicators can convey complex ideas to broad audiences by mastering the art of writing with clarity and brevity. In this session, we will discuss the importance of knowing your audience, with a focus on readers of review articles. We will also discuss skills that are critical in any type of science writing, such as word choice and how to write short, compelling sentences and paragraphs that logically link together for a seamless reading experience.

This workshop is the first in a two-part series. Registration for both parts of the series is recommended but not required. Register for part two (March 30) here.

Sponsored by the Health Sciences Library. Registration is limited to junior faculty (tenure track, clinical track, or research track, assistant professor rank) in the OSU Colleges of Medicine, Dentistry, Optometry, Nursing, and Public Health.

Due to the workshop's limited capacity, please register only if you can commit to attending on the date of the workshop. It will not be recorded.

------->> Register for the March 9th Workshop Now <<-------