Workshop: Intro to Covidence (Virtual)

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Intro to Covidence Workshop

Wednesday, March 19
Noon – 1 p.m. EDT
Online Workshop led by Kerry Dhakal, Associate Professor, HSL Research and Education Librarian

Join us for an introduction to the Covidence. Covidence is a systematic review screening tool used to streamline the process of screening, reviewing, analyzing, synthesizing and disseminating data you collect from reviewed articles. The main point of conducting systematic reviews is to analyze the findings across studies to answer a clinical question. This process is a time-consuming team process, so having access to and the use of a tool that can simplify some of the steps of the process is extremely helpful.

Topics to be covered in this workshop include:

  • Overview of account settings and features
  • Introduction to the four systematic review steps that Covidence streamlines:
    • Citation Importing Title and Abstract Screening
    • Full-Text Screening Data Extraction
    • Guidance on how to populate the PRISMA Flow Worksheet
  • How to export reports from Covidence into other formats (Excel, Word)

Previous Covidence experience is not required. This workshop is ideal for students, faculty, or staff new to Covidence who are beginning a systematic review project or assignment.

Can’t make the workshop? Check out Covidence’s Youtube Video Channel or our Systematic Reviews Guide.

Please note, this workshop will not be recorded.

If you require an accommodation such as live captioning or interpretation to participate in this event, please contact Judy Gregory at or (614) 292-4861. Requests made by Wednesday, March 12th will generally allow us to provide seamless access, but the university will make every effort to meet requests made after this date.

------->> Register for the March 19th Workshop Now <<-------