Workshop: Advanced CINAHL (Virtual)
Advanced CINAHL Workshop
Wednesday, March 9
12 p.m. – 1 p.m. EST
Online Workshop led by Kerry Dhakal, Assistant Professor, HSL Research and Education Librarian
Join us for an advanced workshop in searching in the CINAHL database. This database is the premier database for searching on nursing and allied health topics. This workshop will focus on developing a comprehensive search strategy using a synonym searching technique. This technique includes searching with keywords and subject headings.
We will also review how to:
- Think critically about term use when developing a search strategy in CINAHL
- How to identify synonyms for searching
- Learn how to search and find subject headings
- Reflect on why and how search strategies affect the article results
Some prior experience using CINAHL is necessary for participating in this workshop. The workshop is for anyone who would like to learn how to search and find articles and other information in the CINAHL database who have done basic synonym searching.
Please note that this workshop webinar will not be recorded but slides will be provided upon request.
If you require accommodation such as live captioning or interpretation to participate in this event, please contact Katherine Hoffman at or (614) 292-4861. Requests made by Wednesday, March 2 will generally allow us to provide seamless access, but the university will make every effort to meet requests made after this date.