Beyond Climate Surveys: Achieving Inclusion Excellence in Research and Clinical Settings


          Beginning on Sept. 23, the AAMC Group on Research Education and Training (GREAT) and the Group on Women in Medicine and Science (GWIMS) are hosting a series of webinars to address some of the critical topics at the intersection of gender equity and biomedical research training. DE&I leaders are called to move their institutions beyond compositional diversity and towards inclusion excellence. To assist with these efforts, the AAMC developed the tool FPIE (Foundational Principles of Inclusion Excellence). Through rich and transparent dialogue, the FPIE allows stakeholders to assess their institutions’ work and learning environments based on 9 principles of inclusion.

Learning Objectives 

  1. Participants will be able to gain and/or increase their awareness of the FPIE toolkit to assess and enhance inclusive excellence in the biomedical community.
  2. Participants will be able to demonstrate an understanding of potential opportunities and challenges in launching and implementing action plans to assess inclusive excellence across mission areas. 
  3. Participants will be able to reflect and identify opportunities and challenges they may encounter when utilizing FPIE to achieve inclusive excellence in their institution's research and clinical environments.

Register now to join us!


Toi B. Harris, MD, Associate Provost of Institutional Diversity, Inclusion and Equity & Student and Trainee Services, Baylor College of Medicine

Antonio Bush, PhD, Director of Research, Diversity & Inclusion, Association of American Medical Colleges 

Katherine B. Greenberg, MD, Vice Chair, Diversity and Culture Development, UR Medicine Golisano Children’s Hospital, University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry 

Carolyn Smith, PhD, Dean, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Baylor College of Medicine 

Paul Klotman, M.D., FACP, President and CEO, Baylor College of Medicine