The following is a list of health sciences databases available at OSU. To do a quick search for your database start typing any word in the database name in the box below.

An A-Z list of all OSU databases is available from the Library Catalog.

AAP Neonatal Resuscitation (NRP) eBook Collection logo
Essential AAP resources now share an integrated platform, with quick, easy access to well-care guides, acute-care answers, patient education & pediatric coding.

Essential AAP resources now share an integrated platform, with quick, easy access to well-care guides, acute-care answers, patient education & pediatric coding.

Access Anesthesiology logo
Provides interactive content, self-assessment, and leading medical texts to enhance decision-making at the point-of-care. It includes a full-text library of clinical textbooks,… Read full description

Provides interactive content, self-assessment, and leading medical texts to enhance decision-making at the point-of-care. It includes a full-text library of clinical textbooks, including Longnecker’s Anesthesiology, Morgan & Mikhail’s Clinical Anesthesiology and many others.

Access Emergency Medicine logo
Allows users to quickly search the diagnosis and treatment of a broad range of emergency cases with videos, detailed emergency procedures, an extensive image library, and more… Read full description

Allows users to quickly search the diagnosis and treatment of a broad range of emergency cases with videos, detailed emergency procedures, an extensive image library, and more than a dozen emergency medicine textbooks. This resource is for use only by academic faculty, staff, and students, and is not for use in hospitals or clinics.

Create a MyAccess Profile to enable additional personalized features including self-assessments.  A MyAccess guide is available here

Access Medicine logo
Provides access to more than 60 medical titles including Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine and Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatement, frequently updated content,… Read full description

Provides access to more than 60 medical titles including Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine and Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatement, frequently updated content, thousands of images and illustrations, interactive self-assessment, case files, diagnostic tools, a comprehensive search platform, and the ability to download content to mobile devices. This resource is for use only by academic faculty, staff, and students, and is not for use in hospitals or clinics.

Create a MyAccess Profile to enable additional personalized features including self-assessments and mobile apps.  A MyAccess guide is available here

Access Pediatrics logo
  Provides interactive content, self-assessment, and leading medical texts to enhance decision-making at the point-of-care and includes a complete full-text library of… Read full description


Provides interactive content, self-assessment, and leading medical texts to enhance decision-making at the point-of-care and includes a complete full-text library of clinical textbooks, including Rudolph’s Pediatrics, Current Diagnosis & Treatment: Pediatrics, Neonatology: Management, Procedures, On-Call Problems, Diseases, and Drugs, and many others.



Access Pharmacy logo
Allows selection by core curriculum topic, browsing by organ system, review of textbooks, or searching across leading pharmacy online references.  This resource is for use… Read full description

Allows selection by core curriculum topic, browsing by organ system, review of textbooks, or searching across leading pharmacy online references.  This resource is for use only by academic faculty, staff, and students, and is not for use in hospitals or clinics.

Create a MyAccess Profile to enable additional personalized features including self-assessments.  A MyAccess guide is available here

Access Physiotherapy logo
A comprehensive online resource for physical therapy education, AccessPhysiotherapy features learning tools such as physical therapy textbooks, NPTE-focused test prep, guided… Read full description

A comprehensive online resource for physical therapy education, AccessPhysiotherapy features learning tools such as physical therapy textbooks, NPTE-focused test prep, guided lectures, case files and multimedia content including Anatomy and Physiology Revealed, an interactive cadaver dissection tool. The F.A. Davis collections of physical therapy and athletic training textbooks are also available. 

Create a MyAccess Profile to enable additional personalized features including self-assessments.  A MyAccess guide is available here

Access Surgery logo
An integrated online resource that provides medical students, surgical residents, and practicing surgeons with quick answers to surgical inquiries from trusted sources. Organized… Read full description

An integrated online resource that provides medical students, surgical residents, and practicing surgeons with quick answers to surgical inquiries from trusted sources. Organized around the ACGME's (Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education) mandate for a Core Curriculum, AccessSurgery delivers content in context.  This resource is for use only by academic faculty, staff, and students, and is not for use in hospitals or clinics.

Create a MyAccess Profile to enable additional personalized features including self-assessments.  A MyAccess guide is available here

ACM Digital Library logo
Journals and other services from the Association for Computing Machinery are available.

Journals and other services from the Association for Computing Machinery are available.

AgeLine logo
Focuses on social gerontology, the study of aging in psychological, health-related, social, and economic contexts. Indexes journal articles, books, book chapters, and videos… Read full description

Focuses on social gerontology, the study of aging in psychological, health-related, social, and economic contexts. Indexes journal articles, books, book chapters, and videos published from 1978-present.

For more information about searching this and other EBSCOhost databases, visit the EBSCO Support Site. 

AHFS Online logo
From the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists. Assesses the advantages and disadvantages of various therapies, including interpretation of various claims of drug efficacy… Read full description

From the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists. Assesses the advantages and disadvantages of various therapies, including interpretation of various claims of drug efficacy. Includes monographs on virtually every molecular drug entity available in the US.

Mobile Access Instructions: 

AHFS Drug Information is avaialble through STAT!Ref.  STAT!Ref has been optimized for delivery on mobile devices.  Log in as you normally would and most mobile devices will be automatically redirected to the mobile URL (if you are using an iPhone or iPod touch, use the alternate URL below).  The mobile interface includes the full-text of all titles and is available for quick searches.

iPhone and iPod Touch Users: Connect to the Mobile Version of STAT!Ref

Other Mobile Device Users: Connect to the Mobile Version of STAT!Ref

Alt HealthWatch logo
Alt HealthWatch focuses on the many perspectives of complementary, holistic and integrated approaches to health care and wellness. It provides full-text articles for more… Read full description

Alt HealthWatch focuses on the many perspectives of complementary, holistic and integrated approaches to health care and wellness. It provides full-text articles for more than 180 international, and often peer-reviewed journals and reports.

Subject coverage includes:

  • Acupuncture
  • Aromatherapy
  • Body Work
  • Childbirth
  • Chinese Medicine
  • Chiropractic
  • Creative Therapies
  • Cross-cultural Therapies
  • Energy Medicine
  • Herbalism
  • Homeopathy
  • Mind-body Medicine
  • Naturopathy
  • Nutrition
  • Osteopathy

For more information about searching this and other EBSCOhost databases, visit the EBSCO Support Site.

American Heart Association eBook Collection logo
Provides access to several American Heart Association publications including: ACLS Provider Manual eBook BLS Provider Manual eBook Pediatric Advanced Life Support Provider… Read full description

Provides access to several American Heart Association publications including:

  • ACLS Provider Manual eBook
  • BLS Provider Manual eBook
  • Pediatric Advanced Life Support Provider Manual
  • Handbook of Emergency Cardiovascular Care (ECC) for Healthcare Providers eBook (eHandbook of ECC)
  • ACLS for Experienced Providers Manual and Resource Text
  • Heartsaver® First Aid CPR AED Student Workbook
  • Pediatric Emergency Assessment, Recognition, and Stabilization Provider Manual 
Bates' Visual Guide to Physical Examination and OSCE Clinical Skills Videos logo
Bates' Visual Guide features over 8 hours of content covering head-to-toe and systems-based physical examination techniques.  Bates’ Physical Examination Videos cover… Read full description

Bates' Visual Guide features over 8 hours of content covering head-to-toe and systems-based physical examination techniques. 

Bates’ Physical Examination Videos cover infant, child and older adult head-to-toe assessments, in addition to cardiovascular, peripheral vascular, musculoskeletal system, and nervous system physical examination techniques. 

OSCE Clinical Skills videos are designed to prepare students for Objective Structured Clinical Examinations. Each video allows the viewer to observe a patient encounter, develop an assessment or differential diagnosis, and provide an appropriate diagnostic workup.

Biomedical & Life Sciences Collection: Henry Stewart Talks logo
Henry Stewart Talks publishes state of the art audio visual presentations by leading world authorities. This collection contains over 1000 talks by leading world experts… Read full description

Henry Stewart Talks publishes state of the art audio visual presentations by leading world authorities. This collection contains over 1000 talks by leading world experts in the biomedical and life sciences. Presentations consist of navigable slides with accompanying narration synchronized for ease of listening, are approximately 40-50 minutes long, and are organized into a comprehensive series more than 30 seminar style presentations on a variety of topics including, obesity, genetics, viruses and more.

Biosis Citation Index logo
Indexes literature and provides citation indexing from 1980 to present, focusing on biological and medical research findings, pharmacological studies, and discoveries of new… Read full description

Indexes literature and provides citation indexing from 1980 to present, focusing on biological and medical research findings, pharmacological studies, and discoveries of new organisms.

BoardVitals logo
REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED FOR ACCESS REGISTER HERE or use the "Create an account" option from the sign in screen to register for an account using your or email… Read full description


  • REGISTER HERE or use the "Create an account" option from the sign in screen to register for an account using your or email address
  • Once you have created an account you can use it to login on future visits to BoardVitals

BoardVitals is a powerful exam review tool with access to review questions and practice tests for USMLE Step 1, 2, and 3 and shelf exams for seven medical specialties targeted for use during clerkship rotations.  

HSL's BoardVitals subscription includes the following:

USMLE Step 1 Board Review Questions and Practice Tests

  • 1600 USMLE Step 1 Board Review Questions
  • Covers all Categories Presented on the Step 1 Exam
  • All Questions Include Answers and Detailed Explanations
  • Timed Mode and Review Mode Available
  • Individualized Question Recommendations Based on Your Performance

USMLE Step 2 Board Review Questions

  • Over 900 USMLE Step 2 Board Review Questions
  • The hardest questions are selected to maximize study time
  • Each question comes with a detailed explanation that serves as a mini-lecture for reviewing key content

USMLE Step 3 Board Review Questions

  • 1200 USMLE Step 3 board review questions
  • Individualized learning
  • Ability to flag questions for further review
  • Questions are structured by category
  • Timed and review modes available
  • Detailed explanations associated with each question

NBME Shelf Exams Practice Questions
5700 challenging Shelf Exam questions targeted for use during clerkship rotations. The questions have been specifically adapted for the Medical School Student Level and include thousands of multiple choice questions (MCQ), vignettes, and long form questions.

  • 600 Neurology Shelf Exam Questions & Answers
  • 500 OBGYN Shelf Exam Questions & Answers
  • 1800 Family Medicine Shelf Exam Questions & Answers
  • 1400 Pediatrics Shelf Exam Questions & Answers
  • 500 Internal Medicine Shelf Exam Questions & Answers
  • 500 Surgery Shelf Exam Questions & Answers
  • 600 Psychiatry Shelf Exam Questions & Answers
BrowZine logo
BrowZine allows users to browse, read, and monitor journals available through OSU Libraries. With BrowZine you can: easily access full text of articles, create a bookshelf of your… Read full description

BrowZine allows users to browse, read, and monitor journals available through OSU Libraries. With BrowZine you can: easily access full text of articles, create a bookshelf of your favorite journals, save articles in personalized collections, and get alerts when new journal issues are published. By creating a free account in BrowZine, you can easily sync your bookshelves and reading lists across devices. The web-based version of BrowZine can be used in any internet browser and does not require a mobile device. 

View this Getting Started with BrowZine video for a quick introduction to the service:





Instructions for using the BrowZine App

The BrowZine app is free to download for smartphone or tablet devices.  With BrowZine, you can find, read, and monitor scholarly journals by creating a personalized bookshelf of your favorite journals and saving PDF articles to read at your convenience.

To connect to OSU Libraries journals and articles follow these simple steps:

1. Download the BrowZine App to your device from the appropriate App Store.

2. Open the BrowZine app and select Ohio State University as your library.

BrowZine setup screenshot

3. Enter your OSU internet username (name.#) and password

BrowZine setup screenshot 2

4. Start browsing available journals by subject or title. Add titles to your bookshelf.  Access, read, and save articles.

BrowZine is actively adding titles to the collection available through the app.  If there is a journal that OSU subscribes to, but is not available via BrowZine that you would like added, please submit your request to or contact for questions or problems with access to OSU journal subscriptions.

CAB Abstracts logo
Covers significant research and development from 1972 to present, in fields such as biotechnology, genetics, human health and nutrition, and veterinary medicine.

Covers significant research and development from 1972 to present, in fields such as biotechnology, genetics, human health and nutrition, and veterinary medicine.

The Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, CINAHL contains information published from 1982 to present on nursing and allied health fields such as dietetics,… Read full description

The Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, CINAHL contains information published from 1982 to present on nursing and allied health fields such as dietetics, physical and occupational therapy, medical records, etc. Includes journal articles, books, book chapters, pamphlets, dissertations, audiovisuals and educational software, and virtually all publications of the American Nurses' Association and the National League for Nursing.

Helpful online tutorials for CINAHL can be found here.

ClinicalKey logo
ClinicalKey contains content from several current Elsevier databases including MD Consult, First Consult, Procedures Consult, Clinics of North America and new content including… Read full description

ClinicalKey contains content from several current Elsevier databases including MD Consult, First Consult, Procedures Consult, Clinics of North America and new content including nearly 900 eBooks*. 

The collection of journals available in ClinicalKey is growing every month, and currently includes more than 600,000 articles from more than 500 journals.

ClinicalKey also has more than 20 million MEDLINE abstracts, which are retrieved each day from the National Library of Medicine (NLM).

You can also access clinical trials. The number available is determined by the number available in the database.

In summary, ClinicalKey includes:

  • Over 500 Elsevier medical and surgical journals
  • Selected third-party journals and content sources
  • Over 900 Elsevier medical and surgical reference books*
  • Medical and surgical clinics of North America
  • First Consult point-of-care clinical monographs
  • Procedures Consult content and associated videos
  • Clinical Pharmacology drug monographs
  • Over 13,000 Elsevier medical and surgical videos
  • Guideline information
  • Elsevier and third-party published patient education

*Users must create an account in order to download book chapter PDFs (when available; some books do not offer a PDF option) and use other personalized features. Accounts are created via the Register link at the top right corner of the ClinicalKey site while on the OSU/OSUWMC network.

Cochrane Library logo
The Cochrane Library is a collection of six databases that contain different types of high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making, and a seventh… Read full description

The Cochrane Library is a collection of six databases that contain different types of high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making, and a seventh database that provides information about groups in The Cochrane Collaboration.

  • Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
  • Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials
  • Cochrane Methodology Register
  • Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects
  • Health Technology Assessment Database
  • NHS Economic Evaluation Database
  • About The Cochrane Collaboration

Information about how to use the Cochrane Library including user guides, video tutorials, and more is available here.

ConsumerLab logo
Provides comprehensive information about vitamin, herbal and other supplements, and nutritional products.  Includes independent product evaluations, test results for selected… Read full description

Provides comprehensive information about vitamin, herbal and other supplements, and nutritional products.  Includes independent product evaluations, test results for selected products and approved products from’s Quality Certification Program, product recalls, and safety warnings.  A science-based encyclopedia of natural products is also provided, including a drug-interaction database.

Covidence logo
Covidence is a systematic reviews production tool for title/abstract screening, full-text screening, data abstraction, and quality assessment. Covidence was designed by… Read full description

Covidence is a systematic reviews production tool for title/abstract screening, full-text screening, data abstraction, and quality assessment. Covidence was designed by researchers familiar with the systematic review process in order to make conducting reviews more efficient. It is the primary screening and data extraction tool for Cochrane authors.

Creating a Covidence Account

If you have never used Covidence before, visit the Ohio State University Covidence Sign-Up page and enter your name and or email on the sign in page. You will then receive an email inviting you to Covidence. Follow the link in the email and click on "Create an Account."
If you have already created an account with Covidence, you will need to link your account with our institutional access in order to create unlimited free reviews.
Visit the Ohio State University Covidence Sign-Up page and enter your name and or email. You will receive an email inviting you to Covidence. Follow the link in the email and sign into your Covidence account. You should then be able to create unlimited reviews using your Ohio State access. If you did not sign up with your Ohio State email on your original account, you will not be able to link your account to our institutional access. 
Once you have signed up under our institutional subscription, you can access Covidence directly by going to

Additional Covidence Information:  

If you would like to learn more on your own about Covidence, they have additional informational resources:
Dentistry & Oral Sciences Source logo
Includes full text journals and eBooks covering areas of dentistry including dental public health, endodontics, facial pain & surgery, odontology, oral & maxillofacial… Read full description

Includes full text journals and eBooks covering areas of dentistry including dental public health, endodontics, facial pain & surgery, odontology, oral & maxillofacial pathology/surgery/radiology, orthodontology, pediatric dentistry, periodontology, and prosthodontics.

For more information about searching this and other EBSCOhost databases, visit the EBSCO Support Site.

Derwent Innovations Index logo
Value-added patent information from Derwent World Patent Index® as well as patent citation information from Patents Citation Index®.

Value-added patent information from Derwent World Patent Index® as well as patent citation information from Patents Citation Index®.

DMPTool logo
The DMPTool provides researchers the ability to create and manage Data Management Plans and to view plans that others at OSU have created and shared. DMPTool walks users step-by-… Read full description

The DMPTool provides researchers the ability to create and manage Data Management Plans and to view plans that others at OSU have created and shared. DMPTool walks users step-by-step through the requirements for a variety of funders including the NIH and NSF, provides examples, and exports a text-based data management plan that can easily be inserted into a grant.

For access login with your OSU internet username ( or






DMPTool2 Promotional Video from California Digital Library on Vimeo.

e-Anatomy logo
A comprehensive reference atlas of human anatomy and medical imaging with over 5400 anatomic structures and more than 375,000 translated medical labels. Images in: CT, MRI,… Read full description

A comprehensive reference atlas of human anatomy and medical imaging with over 5400 anatomic structures and more than 375,000 translated medical labels. Images in: CT, MRI, Radiographs, Anatomic diagrams and nuclear images.

MEDLINE is available to search through EBSCOhost.  A comprehensive EBSCOhost MEDLINE user guide is available here. For more information about searching this and other… Read full description

MEDLINE is available to search through EBSCOhost.  A comprehensive EBSCOhost MEDLINE user guide is available here.

For more information about searching this and other EBSCOhost databases, visit the EBSCO Support Site.

Embase logo
With over 31 million indexed records and more than 8,500 indexed peer-reviewed journals, Embase is a highly versatile, multipurpose and up-to-date database covering the most… Read full description

With over 31 million indexed records and more than 8,500 indexed peer-reviewed journals, Embase is a highly versatile, multipurpose and up-to-date database covering the most important international biomedical literature from 1947 to the present day. All articles are indexed in depth using the Elsevier Life Science thesaurus Emtree®.

Facts & Comparisons eAnswers logo
Facts & Comparisons provides an interactive online drug application with updated drug information to assist with comparing prescription drugs, drug interaction screening, drug… Read full description

Facts & Comparisons provides an interactive online drug application with updated drug information to assist with comparing prescription drugs, drug interaction screening, drug identification, and more.  This resource is for use only by academic faculty, staff, and students, and is not for use in hospitals or clinics.

HCUPnet logo
The Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP, pronounced "H-cup") is a family of health care databases and related software tools and products developed through a Federal-… Read full description

The Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP, pronounced "H-cup") is a family of health care databases and related software tools and products developed through a Federal-State-Industry partnership and sponsored by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. HCUP is based on statewide data collected by individual data organizations across the United States and provided to AHRQ through the HCUP partnership. HCUP would not be possible without statewide data collection projects. HCUP includes the largest collection of longitudinal hospital care data in the United States, encompassing all-payer, discharge-level information.

Available data includes the following:

  • National Inpatient Sample (NIS)
  • State Inpatient Databases (SID)
  • Kids' Inpatient Database (KID)
  • State Ambulatory Surgery and Services Database (SASD)
  • Nationwide Emergency Department Sample (NEDS)
  • State Emergency Department Databases (SEDD)

HCUP data are used for research on hospital utilization, access, charges, quality and outcomes. The data are used to describe patterns of care for uncommon as well as common diseases, to analyze hospital procedures, including those that are performed infrequently, and to study the care of population sub-groups such as minorities, children, women, and the uninsured. Researchers and policymakers use HCUP data to identify, track, analyze and compare hospital statistics at the national, regional and State levels.

Health and Psychosocial Instruments (HaPI) logo
Produced by Behavioral Measurement Database Services, HaPI is a comprehensive bibliographic database providing information about behavioral measurement instruments. Information… Read full description

Produced by Behavioral Measurement Database Services, HaPI is a comprehensive bibliographic database providing information about behavioral measurement instruments. Information in the database is abstracted from hundreds of leading journals covering health sciences and psychosocial sciences.

Additionally, instruments from Industrial/Organizational Behavior and Education are included. Records contained in HaPI provide information on questionnaires, interview schedules, vignettes/scenarios, coding schemes, rating and other scales, checklists, indexes, tests, projective techniques, and more.

For more information about searching this and other EBSCOhost databases, visit the EBSCO Support Site.

Health Source: Consumer Edition logo
Aimed at the consumer or patient, this database provides full-text access to nearly 80 consumer health magazines, over 1,000 pamphlets on various medical topics, nearly 130 health… Read full description

Aimed at the consumer or patient, this database provides full-text access to nearly 80 consumer health magazines, over 1,000 pamphlets on various medical topics, nearly 130 health reference books, and Merriam-Webster's Medical Desk Dictionary.

For more information about searching this and other EBSCOhost databases, visit the EBSCO Support Site.

Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition logo
Provides access to nearly 550 scholarly full-text journals in the nursing and allied health fields. For more information about searching this and other EBSCOhost databases,… Read full description

Provides access to nearly 550 scholarly full-text journals in the nursing and allied health fields.

For more information about searching this and other EBSCOhost databases, visit the EBSCO Support Site.

History of Science, Technology and Medicine logo
Indexes journal articles, proceedings, books, book reviews, and dissertations from 1975 to the present. Medical history coverage is provided by the Wellcome Library for the… Read full description

Indexes journal articles, proceedings, books, book reviews, and dissertations from 1975 to the present. Medical history coverage is provided by the Wellcome Library for the History and Understanding of Medicine (UK).

IEEE Xplore logo
Access the full-text of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) transactions, journals, magazines and conference proceedings published since 1988, and all IEEE… Read full description

Access the full-text of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) transactions, journals, magazines and conference proceedings published since 1988, and all IEEE Standards.

International Pharmaceutical Abstracts logo
Indexes over 750 journals from 1971 to present, on drug reactions, toxicity, stability, analysis, chemistry, metabolism and interactions; as well as investigational drugs, drug… Read full description

Indexes over 750 journals from 1971 to present, on drug reactions, toxicity, stability, analysis, chemistry, metabolism and interactions; as well as investigational drugs, drug testing and evaluations, pharmacology, and pharmaceutical chemistry.

JAMAevidence logo
Includes full content from the second edition of Users’ Guides to the Medical Literature and Rational and Clinical Examination, as well as education guides, a glossary of EBM… Read full description

Includes full content from the second edition of Users’ Guides to the Medical Literature and Rational and Clinical Examination, as well as education guides, a glossary of EBM terms and definitions, calculators, worksheets, and other tools to aid in understanding and applying the medical literature and making clinical diagnoses.  This resource is for use only by academic faculty, staff, and students, and is not for use in hospitals or clinics. 

Create a MyAccess Profile to enable additional personalized features including self-assessments.  A MyAccess guide is available here

Journal Citation Reports logo
Presents impact factors and other statistical data that provides one way to determine the relative importance of journals within their subject category. Covers journals indexed by… Read full description

Presents impact factors and other statistical data that provides one way to determine the relative importance of journals within their subject category. Covers journals indexed by either Social Science Citation Index or Science Citation Index. 

Information for new users of Journal Citation Reports including a tutorial, and more is available here.

JoVE logo
HSL's JoVE subscription provides expanded access in 2025 to include to all 13 JoVE Research video journals and the JoVE Encyclopedia of Experiments.  Bonus access to some… Read full description

HSL's JoVE subscription provides expanded access in 2025 to include to all 13 JoVE Research video journals and the JoVE Encyclopedia of Experiments.  Bonus access to some JoVE Education content is available through June 30, 2026.

JoVE video content supports basic, life and clinical sciences and helps researchers and early career scientists refresh skill sets, support cross-disciplinary research and streamline training efficiencies.  

  • To access JoVE videos, simply connect via the campus or medical center network or create an account using an or email.
  • JoVE content is an efficient training tool, saving labs time, money and resources.  Check out ready-to-use playlists for Research Labs and Clinical Medicine.
  • The Encyclopedia of Experiments combines short, high-impact animations with real-life experimentation.  Modules cover animal models, biological techniques, immunology, neuroscience and cancer research.
  • JoVE Journal is peer-reviewed and fully indexed, publishing 100 video articles every month.
Lexicomp Online logo
Access the web version of Lexicomp products including Lexi-Drugs Online, Pediatric and Neonatal Lexi-Drugs Online, AHFS Essentials, AHFS DI, Lexi-Drugs International Online,… Read full description

Access the web version of Lexicomp products including Lexi-Drugs Online, Pediatric and Neonatal Lexi-Drugs Online, AHFS Essentials, AHFS DI, Lexi-Drugs International Online, Geriatric Lexi-Drugs Online, Natural Products Database, Pharmacogenomics Online, Infectious Diseases, Lab Tests & Diagnostic Procedures, Patient Education materials and more. 

LWW Medical Education Health Library logo
Interactive online access to 35 textbooks on core topics, plus procedural videos, images, case studies, and quiz banks for health science students and practitioners.… Read full description

Interactive online access to 35 textbooks on core topics, plus procedural videos, images, case studies, and quiz banks for health science students and practitioners. Available textbooks include Grant's Atlas of Anatomy, Grant's Dissector, Bates' Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking, Lippincott Illustrated Review Series, and more.

Medical Services and Warfare logo
Explore multiple perspectives on the history of injury, treatment and disease on the front line. Chart scientific advances through hospital records, medical reports and first-hand… Read full description

Explore multiple perspectives on the history of injury, treatment and disease on the front line. Chart scientific advances through hospital records, medical reports and first-hand accounts, and discover the evidence of how war shaped medical practice across the centuries. 

MedOne Plastic Surgery logo
Provides comprehensive access to Thieme’s complete portfolio in aesthetic and reconstructive plastic surgery including: eBook Library of over 140 titles including Essentials of… Read full description
Provides comprehensive access to Thieme’s complete portfolio in aesthetic and reconstructive plastic surgery including:
  • eBook Library of over 140 titles including Essentials of Plastic Surgery by J. Janis and Essentials of Aesthetic Surgery by. J. Janis
  • Surgical procedures for review ahead of surgery, covering
    • Surgical anatomy
    • Technique
    • Complications
    • Videos
    • Surgical steps
  • Learn from the Master series of videos providing training on cutting-edge techniques
  • More than 68,000 images for download and use in other applications - source materials for conference review
  • Training Center for residency board prep: 1,800 Questions and answers
  • MedOne App available for Android and iOS devices
Personal Account
Setting up a free personal username/password account will allow access to the platform from mobile devices and provide customization options.  To set up a personal account, access the platform within the OSU/OSUMC network and click on the link “Sign up for access from home.” You will be asked to create a username (email) and password.  These credentials will then give you access from outside of the institution network and allow you to create playlists and custom content sets.
App for Mobile Devices
Access to the platform on mobile devices is available via the MedOne App.  The MedOne App is available (free of charge) in the App store for iOS and Android devices.  Search for Thieme MedOne App or follow the links below.  OSU's subscription includes full access to the platform via the App, including the ability to download full books for use off-line.  A personal account username and password (see above) is required to authenticate through the MedOne App.
Mental Measurements Yearbook logo
A comprehensive guide to over 2,000 contemporary testing instruments in psychology, education, business, and leadership. For more information about searching this and other… Read full description

A comprehensive guide to over 2,000 contemporary testing instruments in psychology, education, business, and leadership.

For more information about searching this and other EBSCOhost databases, visit the EBSCO Support Site.

Natural Medicines logo
Natural Medicines provides evidence-based information about complementary and alternative therapies. It contains seven sub-databases including: Foods, Herbs & Supplements,… Read full description

Natural Medicines provides evidence-based information about complementary and alternative therapies. It contains seven sub-databases including: Foods, Herbs & Supplements, Health & Wellness, Sports Medicine, Comparative Effectiveness, Manufacturers, Commercial Products, and Medical Conditions. For each therapy covered by Natural Medicines, a research team gathers scientific data and expert opinions. Validated rating scales are used to evaluate the quality of available evidence. Information is incorporated into comprehensive monographs which are designed to facilitate clinical decision making. All monographs undergo blinded editorial and peer review prior to inclusion in Natural Medicines databases.

NetAnatomy logo
Developed by anatomy faculty from The George Washington University, this resource is designed to teach human anatomy to students in the health professions. This resource focuses… Read full description

Developed by anatomy faculty from The George Washington University, this resource is designed to teach human anatomy to students in the health professions. This resource focuses on the structural and functional relationships of the human body and the language that describes these relationships. The database includes radiographic, cross-sectional and gross anatomical images and textual content. Anatomical descriptions, labels and online tests are provided.

Nexis Uni logo
Nexis Uni features more than 15,000 news, business and legal sources from LexisNexis, including U.S. Supreme Court decisions dating back to 1790, with discovery… Read full description

Nexis Uni features more than 15,000 news, business and legal sources from LexisNexis, including U.S. Supreme Court decisions dating back to 1790, with discovery across all content types, personalization features such as Alerts and saved searches and a collaborative workspace with shared folders and annotated documents.  Nexis Uni also indexes a number of full-text medical newsletters and journals.

O'Reilly Safari Books Online logo
O'Reilly Safari Learning Platform for Higher Education provides access to thousands of books, videos, expert-curated courses, and interactive learning environments for… Read full description

O'Reilly Safari Learning Platform for Higher Education provides access to thousands of books, videos, expert-curated courses, and interactive learning environments for business, technology, and more.

When accessing the resource, be sure to click on "Not listed? Click here." Then enter your OSU name.# email address for access. OSU name.# email required for access. Account creation is optional and is only required to use the "queue" and other features. Supplying a valid email provides access for 3 days.

Ovid logo
The Ovid database includes several resources including Ovid Medline, Books @ Ovid and Journals @ Ovid.

The Ovid database includes several resources including Ovid Medline, Books @ Ovid and Journals @ Ovid.

Ovid MEDLINE logo
Several MEDLINE options are available from the Ovid select resources screen.  Using the OvidSP Interface to search MEDLINE allows you to be guided through selections for a… Read full description

Several MEDLINE options are available from the Ovid select resources screen.  Using the OvidSP Interface to search MEDLINE allows you to be guided through selections for a precise search based on Medical Subject Headings, subheadings, and limits.  You can build your search strategy in steps and try multiple combinations to refine the search results.

Patents (U.S.) logo
The United States Patent and Trademark Office offers access to bibliographic and full-text patent databases. A TIFF reader is needed to view patents.

The United States Patent and Trademark Office offers access to bibliographic and full-text patent databases. A TIFF reader is needed to view patents.

Pediatric Care Online logo
Bundles essential AAP resources including Red Book Online, AAP toolkits, Pediatric Patient Education library, AAP Textbook of Pediatric Care, Point-of-Care Quick Reference Topics… Read full description

Bundles essential AAP resources including Red Book Online, AAP toolkits, Pediatric Patient Education library, AAP Textbook of Pediatric Care, Point-of-Care Quick Reference Topics, AAP Pediatric Coding Newsletter, and more.

Pharmacist's Letter logo
Covers new developments in drug therapy, and trends in pharmacy practice. Provides in-depth information on specific questions related to each topic.

Covers new developments in drug therapy, and trends in pharmacy practice. Provides in-depth information on specific questions related to each topic.

PressReader logo
PressReader allows OSU users to access digital versions of print newspapers and magazines from around the world. This interface makes for easy browsing, just like you had the… Read full description

PressReader allows OSU users to access digital versions of print newspapers and magazines from around the world. This interface makes for easy browsing, just like you had the paper in front of you!  Use the web version by clicking on the link or icon to the left or follow the instructions below to use the PressReader app.

Mobile Access Instructions: 

The PressReader app is free and available for a variety of smartphones, tablets, and eReaders.  More information and links to download the app are available here.

To use the app, you must first create a PressReader account with email address and password while on the OSU network at Click on “Sign In” at the top of the screen and choose the “New User? Sign Up Now” link at the bottom of the window that appears.  Use the same email and password that you register with to log in to the PressReader App. 

Each time you sign in to PressReader while on the OSU/OSUMC network, access to the App will be enabled for the following several days. After this access period has ended and you are prompted for payment, authenticate again at from on campus or  from off campus to reenable free App access.

ProQuest Dissertations & Theses logo
Information on doctoral dissertations and master’s theses, covering approximately 3,000 subject areas. OSU dissertations since 1954 and most dissertations from other institutions… Read full description

Information on doctoral dissertations and master’s theses, covering approximately 3,000 subject areas. OSU dissertations since 1954 and most dissertations from other institutions after 1997 are available in full text.

PsychiatryOnline logo
Includes the DSM Library, psychiatry journals and textbooks, American Psychiatric Association Practice Guidelines, Self-assessment tools, and more. 

Includes the DSM Library, psychiatry journals and textbooks, American Psychiatric Association Practice Guidelines, Self-assessment tools, and more. 

PsycINFO logo
Covers publications in many health-related fields, including psychiatry, nursing, health administration, pharmacology, rehabilitation, and epidemiology. Resources generally have a… Read full description

Covers publications in many health-related fields, including psychiatry, nursing, health administration, pharmacology, rehabilitation, and epidemiology. Resources generally have a psychological, behavioral, or cognitive focus.

A playlist of training videos covering various types of searching of PsycINFO via EBSCO is available from the publisher on YouTube.

PubMed logo
PubMed comprises more than 30 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, PubMed Central, and life science journals, plus a small collection of online books. For… Read full description

PubMed comprises more than 30 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, PubMed Central, and life science journals, plus a small collection of online books.

For PubMed searching assistance, the following resources are available:

Read by QxMD logo
The Read by QxMD app allows you to find and access journal articles quickly and easily on your mobile device. The institutional edition provides “one tap” access to full text… Read full description

The Read by QxMD app allows you to find and access journal articles quickly and easily on your mobile device. The institutional edition provides “one tap” access to full text articles, even when off campus. Please follow these instructions to install the Read by QxMD app and associate it with your OSU account:

  • Download the Read by QxMD app (available for Apple and Android devices)
  • Open the app and click on the “Start reading” button (or click “log-in if you have an existing account)

After you have created or signed-in to your account, you will need to set-up institutional access:

  • Click on the gear icon in the upper right corner of the screen
  • Select “Account details” and click on the “Institution” field.
  • On the next screen scroll through the alphabetic list and select “Ohio State University (OSU)”
  • Click “done” in the upper right corner to save the new settings. Exit the account details box.
  • Click on the gear icon again and select “Institutional Access”
  • On this screen select “Automatic Login using Library Login” (if you would like the app to log-in to the OSU Libraries proxy server automatically)
  • Enter your OSU internet username and password. It may take a moment for your information to save. An error message will pop up if you entered your information incorrectly.

You should now be ready to use the Read by QxMD app to access full-text content.


A web-based version of Read by QxMD is also available at


View a short video about Read by QxMD here:

Research-Tested Intervention Programs (RTIPs) logo
A searchable database of cancer control interventions and program materials designed to provide program planners and public health practitioners easy and immediate access to… Read full description

A searchable database of cancer control interventions and program materials designed to provide program planners and public health practitioners easy and immediate access to research-tested materials. Sponsored by the National Cancer Institute (NCI), the online directory provides a review of programs available for use in a community or clinical setting.

Science Citation Index logo
Part of the Web of Science, the Science Citation Index indexes cited references found in journals from over 150 scientific disciplines, in over 5,000 science and technical… Read full description

Part of the Web of Science, the Science Citation Index indexes cited references found in journals from over 150 scientific disciplines, in over 5,000 science and technical journals from 1980 to the present. In addition to subject and author searching, SCI permits tracking of references cited in journal articles.

Scientific American Medicine logo
An authoritative source of information on all sixteen subspecialities of internal medicine. Also offers a CME program and information on topics such as occupational safety and… Read full description

An authoritative source of information on all sixteen subspecialities of internal medicine. Also offers a CME program and information on topics such as occupational safety and health, advice for international travelers, normal laboratory values, the latest FDA approvals, and more. Full-text information is enhanced by a large collection of medical images.

Scientific American Surgery logo
A continuously updated general surgical reference. Developed to help practicing surgeons make critical decisions on patient care, it is an evidence-based reference of surgical… Read full description

A continuously updated general surgical reference. Developed to help practicing surgeons make critical decisions on patient care, it is an evidence-based reference of surgical best practices from leaders in the field.

SciFinder Scholar logo
The largest and most comprehensive database of chemical literature in the world, covers not only the core areas of chemistry, but related sciences such as biotechnology and… Read full description

The largest and most comprehensive database of chemical literature in the world, covers not only the core areas of chemistry, but related sciences such as biotechnology and toxicology.  As of February 14, 2011, you must use the web version (the desktop client has been discontinued).  All OSU users must register using a valid OSU e-mail account (,, or
On-Campus SciFinder Scholar Registration -- Off-Campus SciFinder Scholar Registration

Scopus logo
Scopus is an abstract and citation database of research literature and quality web sources in the medical, scientific, technical, social sciences, and arts and… Read full description

Scopus is an abstract and citation database of research literature and quality web sources in the medical, scientific, technical, social sciences, and arts and humanities fields. Scopus covers nearly 18,000 titles from more than 5,000 publishers, and more half of its content comes from outside the U.S. The database provides powerful citation analysis tools for articles, authors, institutions, and journal metrics.

Information about how to use Scopus including user guides, video tutorials, and more is available here.

Social Science Citation Index logo
Part of the Web of Science, SSCI provides access to multidisciplinary literature on such topics as gerontology, mental health, nursing, public health, rehabilitation, social… Read full description

Part of the Web of Science, SSCI provides access to multidisciplinary literature on such topics as gerontology, mental health, nursing, public health, rehabilitation, social work, and substance abuse. In addition to subject and author searching, SSCI permits tracking of references cited in journal articles.

SPORTDiscus logo
Covers sport, physical fitness, exercise, sports medicine, sports science, physical education, kinesiology, coaching, training, sport administration, officiating, sport law &… Read full description

Covers sport, physical fitness, exercise, sports medicine, sports science, physical education, kinesiology, coaching, training, sport administration, officiating, sport law & legislation, college & university sport, disabled persons, facility design & management, intramural & school sport, doping, health, health education, biomechanics, movement science, injury prevention rehabilitation, physical therapy, nutrition, exercise physiology, sport & exercise psychology, recreation, leisure studies, tourism, allied health, occupational health & therapy, public health and more.

With full bibliographic coverage, this database includes well over 1.7 million records with journal and monograph coverage going back to 1800; over 22,000 dissertations and theses and reference to articles in 60 different languages. The content also consists of international references from journal and magazine articles, books, book chapters, conference proceedings and more.

For more information about searching this and other EBSCOhost databases, visit the EBSCO Support Site.

STS Cardiothoracic Surgery eBook logo
Includes web and app access to Pearson's General Thoracic Surgery and Adult and Pediatric Cardiac Surgery.  Designed for both practicing and in-training cardiothoracic… Read full description

Includes web and app access to Pearson's General Thoracic Surgery and Adult and Pediatric Cardiac Surgery.  Designed for both practicing and in-training cardiothoracic surgeons, this resource is updated continuously with the latest strategies, techniques, and procedures.

Mobile App Instructions:

1.  Register for a free account from the STS eBook website or at this registration link
2. Download the mobile app for iOS or Android
3. Sign in to the mobile app with the username and password you used when creating your free account in step 1

Trip Database logo
A clinical search engine designed to allow users to quickly and easily find and use research evidence.  Content types include images, videos, patient information leaflets,… Read full description

A clinical search engine designed to allow users to quickly and easily find and use research evidence.  Content types include images, videos, patient information leaflets, educational courses and news.

Ulrich's Periodicals Directory logo
A directory of magazines, journals, newspapers, newsletters, 'zines, and more.

A directory of magazines, journals, newspapers, newsletters, 'zines, and more.

UpToDate logo
Provides evidence-based answers to commonly asked questions in clinical practice. Designed to provide practical, concise information needed at the point of care. Mobile Access… Read full description

Provides evidence-based answers to commonly asked questions in clinical practice. Designed to provide practical, concise information needed at the point of care.

Mobile Access Instructions: 

Web Browser Based Mobile Access:

When accessing UpToDate from a mobile device, you will automatically be taken to the mobile ehnanced website. 

Mobile App Access:

A mobile app is available by registering for an UpToDate personal account using the instructions below.  

UpToDate Anywhere allows OSU faculty, staff, and students to create a free personal account that allows remote access, mobile app access, and earning of CME credit.

  • Use this link to access the UpToDate account registration form. 
    • You can also access the registration form from the "Register" link in the upper right corner of the UpToDate website.
  • Complete the form and select "Send Verification Code" to send a code to the email address that was entered in the registration form.
    • Check the email account you submitted for a message containing a verification code. If you don't see the email, please check your spam folder. Paste or type the code into the form at the bottom of the page and select "submit verification code" to register your account.
      • This is a onetime registration.  Once registered, you will receive email confirmation from UpToDate.
  • Download the UpToDate Mobile app for free from your device's App Store by searching "UpToDate."  
  • Once the mobile app has been downloaded on your device, use the UpToDate username and password created during the registration process to log in.

90 Day Re-verification is required

To maintain your access to UpToDate you will need to confirm your affiliation with The Ohio State University every 90 days. To do this simply login to UpToDate from on campus or through the library's off-campus access system at least once every 90 days to maintain access.  You will receive an email from UpToDate before the 90 day limit is reached.

VisualDx logo
A diagnostic clinical decision and medical education support tool that aids in making faster, more accurate diagnoses. Combines high-quality, peer-reviewed medical images with… Read full description

A diagnostic clinical decision and medical education support tool that aids in making faster, more accurate diagnoses. Combines high-quality, peer-reviewed medical images with concise information to support clinical staff and health sciences students in the accurate recognition and management of disease. Customers can input visual clues, symptoms, and patient history to help make a correct diagnosis.  VisualDx is also Mobile - available for iPhone, iPad and Android Devices.

View the Introduction to VisualDx and Telemedicine Webinar from Oct. 28, 2020 below:

Web of Science logo
Access the Science Citation Index, Social Science Citation Index and more through the Web of Science.  The Science Citation Index indexes cited references found in journals… Read full description

Access the Science Citation Index, Social Science Citation Index and more through the Web of Science.  The Science Citation Index indexes cited references found in journals from over 150 scientific disciplines, in over 5,000 science and technical journals from 1980 to the present. In addition to subject and author searching, SCI permits tracking of references cited in journal articles.