What happens when an item is lost or returned to the library late?

by Michelle Chen

The Health Sciences Library (HSL) offers a variety of resources for student and faculty to use for study and instruction. To ensure that books and equipment can be used by all, the HSL has a set of policies for fees, fines and appeals related to late or lost items.

According to these policies: Items reported as lost will be searched for promptly in all library locations. The customer will be charged a replacement cost if the items are not found.

Fines will be charged for items that are not returned when needed by another borrower, i.e. any item(s) on Course Reserve, or materials that are not renewed and long overdue (varies due to loan periods).

Long overdue items are considered lost and will be billed at replacement fees. A block will be placed on your record and a fine will be added. Most reserve items, media and equipment will go lost and billed after much shorter periods depending on the loan period. Below is a breakdown of fees and fines by category.

Reserve Items

Regular Circulating Items: $140 billed per book; $170 billed per journal, A/V; no prior recall

Recalled Items: $10 per day (maximum $100)

Closed Reserves Hourly to 7-day loan: $5 each hour (maximum $100)[NT1] 

OhioLINK: $125 billed per item overdue 30 days

SearchOhio: $50 billed per item overdue 30 days

Interlibrary Loan: If an item borrowed through an interlibrary loan is not returned within 3 weeks after the due date, a replacement charge will be added to one's patron record. Fines, charges, and other fees of $50 or more automatically result in a suspension of library borrowing privileges and a block placed on your University records, including registration, grades, transcripts, and receipt of financial aid.

Can you replace a book yourself?

In lieu of getting charged for a lost item, University Libraries provides accepts the purchase of a replacement book from a borrow with a $40 processing fee. Replacement copies must be approved through the online appeal process. OhioLINK replacements must be approved by the owning institution; please use the Library Appeal Form to request permission prior to purchasing a replacement book.

Equipment Checkout

Bones and Models: The requestor will be responsible for any materials returned late and/or damaged. Late and replacement fines are $5.00 for each hour late (maximum $100). Fees for replacement models, bones or parts are assessed at current market value on a case-by-case basis. 

Reserve 3rd Floor Lockers: Overdue fines for locker keys are $5 per day (maximum $100). A replacement charge of $100 will be assessed for lost keys.

Reserve USB-C Power Adapters and charger cables, Flash Drives, Lightning Digital AV Adapters, and HSL Headphones: Overdue fines are $5 per day (maximum $100). Replacement fees are assessed at the current market value.

Reserve Ed Tech Keys: Overdue fines are $5 per day (maximum $100). A replacement charge of $100 will be assessed for lost keys.

Reserve OT Clinical Skills Equipment: Overdue fines are $5 per day (maximum $100). Replacement fees are assessed at the current market value.

What happens if an item is damaged?

Based on the extent of damage, University Libraries will assess the item to determine whether it can be repaired, and if so, how much the repair will cost. The repair fee will be billed to your My Library Account .

If you dispute this charge, you may appeal it using the Library Appeal Form.

How to Pay Fines

All Health Sciences Library fines must be paid to accounts receivable in Workday. Additional information about how to pay fines is available on the Ohio State Office of Business and Finance website.    

Appealing Library Charges

Please use the University Libraries appeal form if you intend to contest late fees or replacement fines.

Appeals may be submitted up to 60 days (2 months) from the fine date to be considered. Please note, accounts submitted to the Bursar’s office cannot be considered for appeal. Paid fines will not be reviewed for appeal. The customer will be contacted by email of the appeal decision within 5 business days during normal activity levels.

All decisions are final. The following are NOT considered reasons on which an appeal can be based:

  • Lack of understanding of University Libraries policies
  • Unwillingness to take responsibility for loaned materials
  • Non-receipt, late receipt, or inattention of notices
  • Breaks, Vacations

Supporting documentation such as notices, names/signatures of library personnel, filed reports, police reports, etc. can be sent to libfineappeal@osu.edu or faxed to 614-247-2174.