Selected Educational Videos at the HSL

by Kerry Dhakal, MAA, MLIS

Did you know that the Health Sciences Library (HSL) has educational video resources available as well as full-text articles, databases and books? It is true. Several of the e-resources that we subscribe to in the library include video resources. In this post I am going to introduce you to two suites of video resources: Access Medicine and Clinical Key. Both of these resources are completely online and available to all faculty, staff and students.

Access Medicine Educational Videos

Screenshot of Access Medicine website with Harrison's Pathophysiology Animations

Videos found in Access Medicine cover broad categories including:

  • Physiology
  • Diagnosis and imaging
  • Pathophysiology
  • Human anatomy modules
  • Patient interviews
  • Physical exams
  • POCUS Pearls: Back to the Basics
  • Procedural videos.

Other types of multimedia available in Access Medicine include audio files, such as heart and lung sound recordings and podcasts.

To access the multimedia resources in Access Medicine and other Access publications, such as AccessAnesthesiology, AccessPediatrics, AccessPhysiotherapy and AccessSurgery, you can visit McGraw Hill Access, click on AccessMedicine and find the “Video & Audio” dropdown in the main navigation at the top.

Some of the videos available are very short videos to provide visual guidance on procedures and diagnostic observations and other videos provide more step-by-step guidance and demonstration of different types of examinations or patient interviews.

In AccessMedicine, you can register for an Access Profile account that will alert you to new video and audio resources available through the Access databases. You can also export a list of video and audio resources with direct links to those resources. Just note that if you are off campus, you may be asked for your Ohio State name.number and password to log in.

Clinical Key Educational Videos

Screenshot of dental video on Clinical Key website

Short procedural videos and longer, more in-depth walkthroughs of case studies are two main types of videos you will find in Clinical Key. Once you’re on the Clinical Key website, choose Procedural Video from the search dropdown. You can then search for the diagnosis or procedure of interest to find videos. Videos also provide narrative information, when available, about the procedure itself and may link to additional resources within Clinical Key or in external databases or journals.

Lastly, I encourage you to take a look at the Videos and Multimedia (Clinical Experience) section of the HSL’s Virtual Instruction LibGuide.  This library guide covers the breadth and depth of available educational resources for instructors and students.

If you plan to use multimedia resources in your classrooms or as a student in your assignments, please remember to cite the source appropriately. Check out the HSL’s  Citation Management LibGuide to learn about different citation management tools, such as RefWorks and Zotero that you can reference as well.

If you have any questions about these resources, please contact us Ask A Librarian Question Form. There will also be an Access Resources workshop on April 9, 2025 if you’re interested in learning more. Register for the workshop today to reserve your spot!