September is Substance Abuse Awareness Month

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September is Substance Abuse Awareness Month

A group of people stands interconnected in an outdoor environment.
A group of people stands interconnected in an outdoor environment. Stock image.

Have you ever thought about what drug addiction is, who is at risk for drug addiction or what are the signs that someone has a drug problem? The LHI has reliable health information to help you. Visit this MedlinePlus webpage for resources.

Do you know the effects of alcohol on the body? The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism can help you by providing reliable answers. Visit this NIAAA webpage for resources to help you get started answering questions about alcohol.

Sources cited on this webpage are current as of August 5, 2022.

The LHI has more information to help you. Call us at (614) 293-3707 or email us at, or stop by the LHI on the 5th floor atrium of Rhodes Hall at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. All information is free and confidential.


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For more resources, please email your questions to an LHI librarian at, or call us at 614-293-3707. All information is free and confidential.

The Library for Health Information is here for you. To find out more about the LHI, visit our web page.